Saturday, August 11, 2018

Omen or Sakun technique of prediction

There are so many techniques in Astrology for making prediction. When native’s horoscope is not available at particular time astrologer give answers of his questions using prashna kundli or Omen/ Sakun technique. We know it as Nimitta also. Let us discuss about it’s importance and process to use this technique. 

Such people or even those have faith on Astrology as well as Astrologer with whom they are consulting, can take the help of Sakun or Nimitta. It’s a real divine guidance of nature. It never fails and helps an astrologer to deliver correct prediction, but one who is delivering predictions should be satvik and connected to God. He should know how to use his senses to observe signals of the nature and interpret in correct way. He may be fails some time at initial level but if he keep trying and practicing it with having faith on God. He will definitely be master on this technique. Some scholars give it very much importance and treat it superior then Dasha system. 

So many books are there in which described how to start prediction process through Sakun. One who has to take the decision after noting the sakun should pray his isht dev or isht devi or someone else whom he or she has faith. At the time of question what predictor listen or see will help him to deliver correct perditions. Take care of one this that there should be everything natural nothing should be artificial or one should not create artificial sakun, like at the time of asking questions or delivering prediction, no one should ring the bell or any other artificial activity, let the allow sakun to nature.

If the cat were to come before you while prediction, you should forget everything and give up the attempt. If a cow comes you should carry on. If anybody comes with idol of God, carry on. Even if you are sure that you will come with fortune. If any widow comes, stop. If you hear the sound of the bell, carry on. If the light is put off by strong wind or and storm comes or electricity lights fails due to fuse of the wire or failure of the current, it foreshadows negative results, give up delivering predictions. Similarly there are thousands of Sakuns or Omens.

Varahmihira says that an omen reveals the fruition of his deeds, according to good deeds and bad deeds done in the previous birth. Omens are not superstitious beliefs. Actually they are very correct indications. Sa-gun means good quality. That is why this method of finding out the truth is called sakun.
There are so many other Sakuns and omens, which are rural, wild, aquatic, terrestrial, heavenly, diurnal, nocturnal and diurnal-nocturnal.

These sakuns needs intelligence to interpret. If it is properly interpreted, this is superior to sakun and will be more appropriate and explanatory.